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The GOOD Report Card: The Strangest, Best Trump Ad You’ll Ever See, Plus 5 More Weekend Essentials

Ride the Trump rainbow tongue slide, if you dare

This week, the internet gave with both hands.


Blood banks in Orlando being overwhelmed by donors

Following the nightclub shooting last Sunday, so many people turned up to donate blood that medical facilities were forced to turn people away and ask them to return at a later date. A spokesman for the organization OneBlood told the Orlando Sentinel, “I've been here 13 years and never seen a response like this.” These are the every day heroes.

This incredibly uncomfortable “The Best of Jeb! Bush: Vine Compilation”

The web is a weird, weird place sometimes, and it’s a space that comes complete with its own kind of avant garde art. If you haven’t felt so uncomfortable today that you’re sure your body is going to catch fire at any second, then you’ll definitely want to fast track that sensation by watching some of Jeb Bush’s greatest hits. This is pure, concentrated internet—a hyper examination of minutia through tiny loops of manipulated video that make you laugh and make you feel hollow and make you feel sad and make you feel satisfied at the same time. Wait, is the internet Jeb Bush?

GOOD (we think?):

Japanese Donald Trump Commercial

Is it just us, or does it seem like this video could be playing in the background of a cityscape shot in Blade Runner? Is it pro Trump? Is it anti Trump? We’re pretty sure it’s anti, but… Yeah. In any case, behold the majesty of Mecha-Donald, ladies man Donald, teen idol Donald Trump, floating island Donald, disembodied head tree flower Donald, monolithic concrete monument Donald and so many more!


Ghostbusters ads that have nothing to do with Ghostbusters

Presumably because internet dude trolls have been obsessively vocal about their irrational hatred for the new female-lead Ghostbuster, the brains behind the movie’s marketing campaign have cut a series of male-friendly TV spots to air during the NBA playoffs. They literally just make basketball players into the Ghostbusters, despite that there are four capable and hysterical actresses who have already been paid to do that exact thing. And there’s footage of it. Lots. A whole movie’s worth in fact! We get why it’s happening, but it’s still frustrating and kind of weird. Hopefully, no massive NBA fans show up at the theater in July expecting to see Carmelo Anthony in a proton pack! Awkward!


Donald Trump’s reaction to the Orlando massacre

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee really upped his hate speech bar this week. Following the tragedy in Florida he stood before a crowd and reiterated his plan to ban all Muslims from entering the United States, saying, “This is not just a national security issue. It’s a quality of life issue. If we want to protect the quality of life for all Americans—women and children, gay and straight, Jews and Christians—then we need to tell the truth about radical Islam and we need to do it now.” All people noticeably does not include people who are Muslim, even though they literally make up 23 percent of all people, and one percent of the Americans he allegedly wants to protect. After dishing out some more fresh xenophobia and overt racism, Trump actually had the lack of self-awareness to say, “We have to prevent large pockets of radicalization from forming inside American. Not complicated.” We couldn’t agree more, Donald. Should we start by evicting you?