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Merriam-Webster, Sassy As Ever, Tweeted To Kellyanne Conway The Actual Definition Of Feminism

Websters defines “feminism” as...

After only a month in office, it’s pretty clear that Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway’s relationship with the truth is...casual. Perhaps that will change as more and more citizens and media members bombard her with rebuttals to her assertions, but it’s not looking likely.

That’s not to say people – or, in this case, a company – will quit the crusade to enlighten her at most every opportunity.

Just yesterday, Kellyanne Conway stated she doesn’t consider herself a feminist because she equates the term with “anti-male” and “pro-abortion” sentiment. Which is probably an honest statement. It’s very easy to believe that she views feminism through that lens.

Here are her full comments, made at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday.

“It’s difficult for me to call myself a feminist in a classic sense because it seems to be very anti-male, and it certainly is very pro-abortion, and I’m neither anti-male or pro-abortion. So, there’s an individual feminism, if you will, that you make your own choices. … I look at myself as a product of my choices, not a victim of my circumstances.”
“You know, this whole sisterhood, this whole ‘let’s go march for women’s rights’ and, you know, just constantly talking about what women look like or what they wear or making fun of their choices or presuming that they’re not as powerful as the men around. This presumptive negativity about women in power, I think, is very unfortunate.”

But in the interest of injecting a little objectivity for her consideration, dictionary maker Merriam-Webster, which has been delightfully tweet-happy since the presidential campaign, decided to crack an egg of knowledge atop Mrs. Conway’s head:

Certainly, many people equate ideologies and terms with their practical meanings rather than their literal ones, but this tweet reminds many of us that the fallacy of feminism coming at the expense of men or unborn children is nothing more than a distraction serving to undermine a crusade for equality.

When a dictionary reaches out to correct you, it’s probably time to reconsider how you define something.