In the aftermath of a mass shooting, people often come forward with stories that show there were plenty of warning signs the assailant was planning to commit murder.
The Sandy Hook shooter was overheard saying he “planned to kill his mother and children at Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut.”
The Parkland, Florida school shooter was the subject of dozens of 911 calls before going on a rampage that killed 17 people.
The man who killed 49 people at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida had been the subject of two FBI investigations before he committed the mass shooting.
Koeberle Bull, a mother of three in Lumberton, New Jersey, recently prevented a potential mass shooting by noticing a red flag and reporting it to law enforcement.
This N.J. mom helped stop potential school shooting in Kentucky. Here's how
— (@njdotcom) October 22, 2018
On Wednesday, October 17, Bull woke up to a racist Facebook message from a man in Kentucky. “It was really vulgar — he called my kids the N-word and hoped terrible things for them,” Bull told Yahoo Lifestyle.
Bull, the mother of three biracial children, was especially alarmed by the man’s Facebook photo which showed him with a gun, so she filed a report with her local police. “But I felt like it wouldn’t really go anywhere, so I posted a screenshot of the message on Facebook,” she said.
The mother’s friends soon began searching for more information about the man and discovered he was 20-year-old Dylan Jarrell of Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. She contacted Officer Josh Satterly of the Lawrenceburg Police, and he took the threat seriously.
“There’s no room for this kind of hate in my world,” Satterly said according to Bull.
When police arrived at Jarrell’s house the next morning, he was headed toward two school districts in Anderson County and Shelby County, Kentucky. In his home, police discovered a bulletproof vest, a firearm, 200 pounds of ammunition, and an attack plan.
Jarrell’s search history revealed he had investigated “How to conduct a school shooting.”
Police found a gun, over 200 rounds of ammunition, a Kevlar vest, a 100-round high capacity magazine, and a “detailed plan of attack” in Dylan Jarrell’s Lawrenceburg home. @WDRBNews
— Hayden Ristevski (@HaydenWDRB) October 19, 2018
“There’s no doubt in my mind that as a result of this investigation, we saved lives,” Kentucky State Police Commissioner Rick Sanders said during a press conference. “This young man had it in his mind to go to schools and create havoc.”
“He had the tools necessary, the intent necessary. And the only thing that stood between him and evil … is law enforcement,” he continued.
Jarrell was arrested and charged with two counts of second-degree terroristic threatening and one count of harassing communications.
BREAKING: @kystatepolice arrested Dylan Jarrell for threats against Shelby & Anderson County schools. Gun, ammunition, Kevlar vest and plan of attck found in Jarrell's possession.
— Paul Miles (@PaulMiles840) October 19, 2018