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Neighborhood Watch

Months of flooding in the Santa Catarina area of Brazil have displaced more than 15,000 people; it's currently in a "state of emergency."Eli Broad has pledged to bail out Los Angeles's Museum of Contemporary Art to the tune of $30 million-albeit with a few stipulations.An ear for an ear: A judge in Colorado sentences noise violators to listen to Barry Manilow, arguing that they should be forced to listen to music they don't like. We suppose the punishment fits the crime. Via Digg.In this week's issue of Newsweek, Fareed Zakaria explains why the U.S. needs to make sure that China sees its economic future as tied in with ours. Who else is going to buy up our debt?Better Place, a Palo-Alto-based organization, will bring a $1 billion electric vehicle program in the Bay Area.Elizabeth Kolbert ponders how much damage can be done (and how much progress can be unmade) by the current Administration's "midnight regulations" for this week's New Yorker.In GOOD-related news: Founder Ben Goldhirsh will be on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's illustrious interview show The Hour tonight. We'll add a link to the video when it's up.(Photo from a series called "TREE" by Korean artist Myoung Ho Lee. Via The Morning News.)