[youtube]https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=e_2aX-784swA slideshow of "The Tree House," a stunning zero-carbon abode in London.The Times explores the phenomenon first-generation Indian-Americans who return to the motherland for work--leaving their parents, who immigrated to the U.S. seeking opportunity for themselves and their children, stateside.After the worst per capita U.S. auto sales since World War II, can these four cars rejuvenate the market?This may be old news, but Nike's Reuse-A-Shoe program is rad. Gotta have some carrots among the sticks."I Feel: London" lets you search the city based on your mood-naughty, hungover, sophisticated, or whatever.Scariest video of 2008: a Shell Oil submersible happens upon the mysterious, alien-like Magnapinna squid a mile and a half underwater in the Gulf of Mexico.From the GOOD Community: Spraygraphic links to an unsettling NYT video of kids zoning out playing video games.(Video: A camera on the dashboard of a police car in Edmonton, Alberta, captures a meteor zooming through the Canadian sky.)
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