-From the Christian Science Monitor: a nice overview of Obama's ambitious energy plan.-A Bloomberg for Jerusalem? The BBC profiles the holy city's new mayor Nir Barkat, a secular Jew and former executive at a technology startup.-PSFK covers Skillet Street, a Seattle-based "mobile joint" that serves Kobe burgers and other gourmet fare from an Airstream trailer.-Current has an amazing documentary on modern day pirates attacking boats on a trading route near Singapore.-The International Energy Agency published its World Energy Outlook 2008 yesterday. It's detailed and grim.-A UN convoy delivered "high-energy biscuits" to the rebel-held town of Rutshuru in Congo. More food-drops are expected later in the week.-The Florida Medical Examiners Commission finds that prescription drugs kill more people than illegal drugs in that state. We wonder what the national numbers are.-The Supreme Court made life a little harder for whales and dolphins of the coast of Southern California. They need better lawyers.-The bake sale--that fund-raising rite of passage--is falling out of favor in the brave, new, low-carb, zero trans-fat America, says the NY Times. Come on. We don't have to stop eating cookies. That's ridiculous.-From the GOOD Community: cyan79 passes along a report (via Core77) of a couple McDonald's locations opening in Tokyo with no logos.-The movie Koolhaas Houselife explores what it's like to live with a masterpiece of modern architecture, from the cleaning lady's perspective. (Via We Make Money Not Art) [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fLVMyGBFSU(Photo of a surfer sailing over a whale by David Sheridan from The Sun)
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