-Barack Obama posted the first of what's being billed as weekly YouTube addresses at 6 a.m. EST on Saturday. Should we expect a backlash from the Saturday morning cartoon community?-Former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer, toppled due to his prostitute habit, won't sit idly by as the finance industry drags us all into a depression. He pens his remedy for setting the Street straight in The Washington Post.-Want to learn the national anthem of the former Soviet Union at gun point while wearing a gas mask? This former Soviet bunker-turned-theme park in Lithuania is the escape for you. (Via BoingBoing)-Slate's editor-in-chief Jacob Weisberg suggests that Obama throw caution to the wind and assemble the smartest Cabinet he can put together. Unchecked egos and crippling social ticks be damned!-Want to relive your 5th-grade glory days (or public embarrassments)? Try this well-made online spelling bee.-Bond-related hype is everywhere as Quantum of Solace opened big this weekend. The science mags went mad over it; Wired checked out various villains' hideouts and 007's coolest cars, while Popular Science debunked some of the movies' nefarious plots.-From the GOOD Community: Our CEO Jonathan Greenblatt shares a video of outspoken athiest Christopher Hitchens and Rabbi David Wolpe debating the existence of God.(Photo: A rendering of a $3 million, eco-friendly billboard set to be installed in Times Square in December. Credit: Gigante Vaz Partners NYC/Via New York Times.)
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