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Neighborhood Watch

A business writer crunched some numbers on the various bailouts for our crumbling financial sector. His assessment: They cost more than the Marshall Plan, all our post-WWII wars, the Apollo moon landing, the Louisiana Purchase, and a bunch of other stuff combined! (Via Boing Boing) Are you a New Yorker..

A business writer crunched some numbers on the various bailouts for our crumbling financial sector. His assessment: They cost more than the Marshall Plan, all our post-WWII wars, the Apollo moon landing, the Louisiana Purchase, and a bunch of other stuff combined! (Via Boing Boing) Are you a New Yorker who is not going to make it down to D.C. for Obama's inauguration? A city councilman wants to erect jumbotrons in Central Park for your historical moment fix.What did you do during Thanksgiving? We spent at least an hour or two playing "Oligarchy," a Flash game that puts you in the shoes of oilmen. You plumb the depths of the Earth for black gold and make more money than required to finance a bailout!An op-ed from this weekend's Times suggests a way to sell the notion of gay marriage to the currently unaccepting black community: frame it as a health issue.The South Asian Journalists Association put together a wonderful series of webcasts dedicated to reporting and analysis of the terror siege in Mumbai. (Link goes to the first installment.)Suketu Mehta, author of the book Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found offers his thoughts on why his beloved hometown was a symbolic target for last week's terrorist attack.Obama may actually be everything to everyone--including UFO fans, who want the president-elect to release files up to 60 years old detailing America's brushes with extraterrestrial life.From the GOOD Community: cyan79 calls out the 360 Paper Bottle (pictured above), a replacement for plastic drink bottles, most of which aren't actually recycled.

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