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New Alternative Fuel: Human Fat

In case you missed it last week, a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon was boasting of running his car on the fat he siphoned out of obese patients. Dr....

In case you missed it last week, a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon was boasting of running his car on the fat he siphoned out of obese patients. Dr. Craig Alan Bittner claimed on a now-defunct website that he created "lipo-diesel" to run his and his girlfriend's converted cars, and is now under investigation by the California Department of Public Health. While the story itself is full of holes-for example, one of the cars he claims to have converted doesn't have a diesel engine-and likely a publicity stunt (and the good doctor has since fled the country), the Christian Science Monitor deigns to ask: Can we run our cars on human fat? Because, as they rightly point out, "If paunch were petroleum, the U.S. would be Saudia Arabia."("Mystery Jars" from Flickr user Niemster.)