In an effort to make life ever easier for you, dear readers, we are pleased to introduce a new way to look at our infographics. Before, we just...
In an effort to make life ever easier for you, dear readers, we are pleased to introduce a new way to look at our infographics. Before, we just had a static image available (for instance, here is last week's on the best states for various types of alternative energy production). Now you can zoom in and out and scroll around. For those who don't like Flash or want to download the image, we still have the raw file available here. At some point, we'll go through and update all our old pieces. For now, look for the new viewer on this week's Transparency on the unemployment rate in major American cities, and for lovely zoomable images every Tuesday from now on.
Like it? Hate it? Got a better idea? Let us know in the comments and we'll keep working on making it better.