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NSFW Emojis To Make Sexts More Sexy

All the dirty emojis you never knew you needed have finally arrived.

Trying to send a naughty message but the dancing lady and winky face emojis just aren’t cutting it? If your sexts need a little more sex, Flirtmoji recently rolled out a series of NSFW emojis that will definitely get your point across. The company, whose delightful sex-positive blog is also worth checking out, offers lustful smartphone users the chance to send everything from a melted candle to a DTF name sticker. The new functions have garnered a few complaints, however. “Gerbil in a Condom has received several emails that bring up good points about animals being unable to give consent,” co-creators Katy McCarthy and Jeremy Yingling said yesterday in an interview with Bullett Magazine.“In response, we’ve pointed out that the gerbil isn’t having sex. It’s in a condom, not inside of an orifice.” But on the whole, the project has been seen by users as a step in the right text-ual direction.

Hot on the heels of a study that says that “54 percent of emoji users had sex in 2014 compared to 31 percent of singles who did not,” we think the saucy new emojis will be a big hit on Tinder this spring.