Some people think we need to make America great again. But one eight-year-old girl thinks we just need a little more spunk. And her suggestion caught the attention of none other than President Obama himself.
In a handwritten note to the president, Lily writes:
“I think this country needs more spunk. With all the attacks, the Zika virus, and the wars, this country is a very sad place. Please do something fun. Wear a tie-dye shirt and shorts to something important. Go on a water skiing trip in the Caribbean. Take your family to Disney World. Do something fun and out going.”
The White House published the entire letter online to Medium, which you can read here. In one hilariously honest passage, Lily writes that being a future president is her “back up” dream job (cardiovascular surgeon comes first).
Obama, who is known to read and respond to personal letters regularly, wrote back to Lily. Sadly, it doesn’t sound like a tye dye t-shirt is in the works:
“While I don’t know how the First Lady or my daughters would feel about me wearing a tie-dye shirt in public, I do know that one of my greatest responsibilities as President is ensuring your generation can thrive … Your enthusiasm and drive give me great hope for the future, and I am confident you can achieve your highest aspirations if you put your best effort into everything you do. I expect great things from you!”
Obama also makes a point to thank Lily’s Air Force pilot Dad for his service and promises to make working for the betterment of the nation’s youth part of his mission even after he leaves the White House next January.