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Obama's "Team of Rivals" Tracker

We may have a new president and vice president, but the supporting roles are still being filled, and they matter a lot. After all, what would the Bush administration have been without Rumsfeld, Chertoff, and Condi? Below, we'll be tracking the additions to Obama's team as they become public. Drop us a comment if we're missing anyone.

Obama's Cabinet (in order of presidential succession):

Secretary of State: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) has the job.Secretary of the Treasury: As the Motley Fool said in its headline, "Tim Geithner, This Mess is Yours."Secretary of Defense: Obama is keeping present defense secretary Robert M. Gates for the time being.Attorney General: It's Eric Holder, Deputy Attorney General under Clinton, and head of Obama's vice presidential search.Secretary of the Interior: ?Secretary of Agriculture: Former Iowa Gov. Tom VilsackSecretary of Commerce: New Mexico Gov. Bill RichardsonSecretary of Labor: ?Secretary of Health and Human Services: Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), the former Senate Minority Leader. (Via Rollcall)Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: New York City's Housing Commissioner Shaun Donovan gets the call.Secretary of Transportation:We hope it's Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.).Secretary of Energy: Physics Nobel Prize winner Steven ChuSecretary of Education: CEO of the Chicago Public Schools Arne DuncanSecretary of Veterans Affairs: Retired Army Gen. Eric Shinseki Secretary of Homeland Security: Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano. (Via Politico)

Other Important Gigs:

White House Chief of Staff: Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.)Senior Advisor: Former Obama campaign manager David AxelrodWhite House Counsel:Gregory Craig, special counsel to President ClintonDirector, Office of Management and Budget: Current head of the Congressional Budget Office, Peter OrszagDirector, Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (Obama's renamed faith-based office): ?National Security Adviser: Retired Marine Gen. Jim JonesCIA Director: ?Director of National Intelligence: ?Press Secretary: Robert Gibbs (Via Politico) White House Economic Adviser: Former Treasury Secretary (and then president of Harvard) Larry Summers(Via Jake Tapper)U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations: National Security Council veteran Susan RiceEnvironmental Protection Agency Administrator: Former head of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Lisa Jackson(Image of Warren Harding and his Cabinet in the old Cabinet Room in 1921. Credit: