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Our Top Five Exploration-Themed Infographics

This month on, we are focusing on the topic of exploration—embracing the spirit of discovery and exploring areas near and far. Whether you're a traveler on land, or you aspire to go to space, here is a round-up from our archive of our favorite GOOD infographics on exploration to inspire the inner Marco Polo in you.

The Youth Movement: Where Do The Young and Educated Want to Migrate?

If you would like to move permanently to another country, to which country would you like to move? From 2007 to 2010, Gallup posed this evocative question to people in 148 countries all over the world. To include an additional dimension, they compared young people aged 15 to 29 to educated adults' responses.

A collaboration between GOOD and Column Five Media

The United Bike Lanes of America

When you think of a road trip across America, you probably envision zooming in a car along endless scenic highways and freeway overpasses. But take a closer look and across the country, there are thousands of miles of bike lanes connecting us from city to city and even coast to coast. Check out how these bike paths tie us closely together.

A collaboration between GOOD and Gregory Hubacek, in partnership with CLIF Bar.

Funding the Final Frontier

The last shuttle mission was in June 2011. How is NASA spending its resources if it's not manning the shuttle program? This infographic examines the future of American space exploration.

A collaboration between GOOD and Column Five

The Rise of Foot-Powered Travel in America

It's summer, and you may be seeing more people out on the street walking and biking. But it's not just because the weather is nice. There are more people walking and biking year round, and the Department of Transportation is responding by dramatically increasing the amount of money spent on projects for pedestrians and cyclists. This is a look at the rise of foot-powered travel in America.

A collaboration between GOOD and Part & Parcel

Wanderlust: Visualize Some of Our Most Famed Journeys Both Fact and Fictional

These are the journeys that have left indelible marks on our collective maps, and are endless sources of fascination. Here is compilation of some of the most famous jaunts of all time-both factual and fictional-that show us how far we've come, and where we might go next.

A collaboration between GOOD and Graham Roberts

So, there you have it. Some infographics to think about while traveling on foot, bike, car, or ship, and eventually, spacecraft. Tell us what path, lane, road, sea, or galaxy you'll be traversing in the near future in the comments below. To participate in our exploration challenge, simply click here to say you'll Do It and we will keep you updated by email on the actions we can all take to to preserve and protect places that mean so much to us.