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Six siblings appeared in this campaign ad to endorse their brother’s opponent.

The incredible election ad has quickly gone viral.


Holy crap. You’re going to want to watch this twice just to convince yourself it’s real.

Political campaign ads are often mean, sometimes funny and once in a blue moon -- incredibly weird.

A brand new campaign ad for Dr. David Brill, who is running for Congress in Arizona, pulls off perhaps the most cinematic twist in any political ad ever.

At first, the ad seems like any other: a handful of six individuals express their political differences with the opposing candidate.

In this case, it’s Rep. Paul Gosar, a Republican first elected in 2010. Gosar has already become infamous in some political circles for such acts as blocking voters in his own district from visiting his congressional office and claiming in a nationally televised hearing that he could read a FBI agent’s body language “very well” based on his expertise … as a dentist.

Over the majority of the ad, testimonies are given from people identified only by their first names. But in the ad’s last 10 seconds, it’s revealed that all of the testimonies are coming from Gosar’s own family members.

That’s right, Dr. David Brill managed to get six individuals from Gosar’s own family to passionately argue why he’s not fit to be in Congress.

It’s not technically the first time one family member has campaigned against another. The brother of Randy Bryce, a Democrat running for Rep. Paul Ryan’s seat in Wisconsin, has also publicly stated he’s supporting his brother’s opponent.

But seriously, we’ve never seen anything quite like this.

Watch it a second time and let that sink in.

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