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Picture Show: California Dreaming Along the Pacific Coast Highway

This Picture Show originally appeared in GOOD Issue 18: The Slow Issue. You can read more from The Slow Issue here.There was a...

This Picture Show originally appeared in GOOD Issue 18: The Slow Issue. You can read more from The Slow Issue here.

There was a time, not long that long ago, when traveling through the United States meant pleasant days on the blue highways, smelling the air, seeing the scenery, and stopping at the nearest watering hole for a freshly cooked meal of the local specialty. Then came the interstate highways, and many-horsepowered engines, and an ever-increasing speed limit. Now, we get places much faster. But what if you took a slowed-down version of a trip, at a pleasant cruising speed, with rest stops that offered more choice than simply McDonald’s or Burger King? We took just such a journey by meandering north from Los Angeles along the coast. What we found can be seen here.

Photos by Colleen Corcoran, Will Etling, Jessica Haye, Atley Kasky, and Abigail Sample.