In the last few years, concussions have become a serious problem for the NFL, as more and more studies find that the vagaries of playing football results in severe mental degradation. Because of the public outcry, the NFL has now started paying lip service to the idea that its players should at least not play while they're exhibiting concussion symptoms.
Sadly, the NFL's "helpful" concussion poster looks like those crazy posters about employment rights that your company is forced to put up in the break room. It is not easy to read for a totally cogent person. For someone with a potential concussion, it seems to be almost totally pointless. The blog 12 Angry Mascots has launched a contest to redesign the poster, to help NFL players. As strong proponents of good information design, we fully support this effort. Any of our designer-readers should make an entry. You can win $100, and they are going to present the winner to the NFL. Get cooking.
Via Deadspin.