Clifford Boyson was just a boy of 3 and his sister Betty was 5 years old when they were separated. Along with three other siblings, the two were sent to separate foster care homes and had no contact with each other for 65 years. Recently, Boyson asked Eddie, the 7-year-old son of his landlord, if he could help with his search for Betty. “Nobody would help me until I came and met little Eddie,” Boyson said. Eddie, like most kids his age, is a whiz with an iPad, so Boyson thought there might be some chance he could locate his sister using it.
The precocious boy logged into his mother’s Facebook account and began searching. “I went on Facebook and I typed in Boyson,” he said. “There were a whole bunch of pictures that showed up. One of them kind of looked like Clifford and I zoomed in on it and it started to really look like Clifford … I showed it to my mom and dad.” After Eddie’s father contacted Betty’s daughter, they set up a meeting between the long-lost siblings.
Finally, after 65 years apart, Clifford and Betty (whose last name is now Billadeau) met at a hotel room in Davenport, Iowa, where they exchanged gifts. Boyson remarked that his sister bore a resemblance to their mother. “You’re about the same height Mom was!” Boyson said. Billadeau gave her brother a suitcase so that he had “no excuses not to come visit in Missouri.” Boyson returned the favor with an armful of pink roses.
(H/T ABC News)