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Sexual Health Charity Raises Funds by Selling Sex Toys

A UK sexual health charity says online sex product stores can be pretty shady and unethical. So they started their own.

The UK's Family Planning Association has been promoting sexual health for more than 80 years now, so they've addressed their views in eras dominated by wildly different media.

Right now, they're focused on the Internet—specifically some of the shadier back alleys of the Internet, the places where people can buy sex products and toys in relative anonymity.

"[W]e’re increasingly concerned by some of the common practices in this sector and believe there is a need for safe and trusted place where people can shop with confidence," the FPA told the website Social Enterprise Live.

So the charity has started its own online sex shop, Desire and Pleasure. Here's their pitch:

Why shop with us?

Carefully chosen products. Our products are high-quality and meet high standards.

Get a warm, fuzzy glow. When you buy from us you're supporting the work of the sexual health charity FPA.

We know sex. FPA has been helping people enjoy better sex lives for more than 80 years.

We listen to you. If there's a product you'd like us to sell, or you want advice and information about sex—just ask!

We believe sexual pleasure is your right. We support Sexual rights: an IPPF declaration.


Not mentioned there is what grabbed our attention. Social Enterprise Live writes, "The FPA is also boycotting products with offensive names and packaging, or those that have violent or aggressive connotations."

Sex for a cause—seems like a lot of folks might pony up a few pounds or dollars for that.

Bedroom photo from Shutterstock.

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