Fast Company names its 10 "social enterprises of the year" in its new issue. Among the honorees are Choose GOOD partner The Acumen Fund and non-profit pharma company OneWorldHealth, which we profiled in issue 013.The big winner: Enterprise Community Partners, a "for-profit/non-profit hybrid" founded by actor Edward Norton's grandparents. Enterprise designs solutions that enable cities and not-for-profit developers to provide housing for lower income people in their communities. The company is adjusting to the post-housing bubble economy by redoubling its efforts towards green building, creating both a sustainable business model for itself and its clients while still keeping those less fortunate sheltered--in green communities, such as High Point in Seattle (pictured), to boot!
(Photo from Flickr user kuow949)
Other endeavors recognized include the Academy for Urban School Leadership, which trains teachers for inner-city Chicago classrooms in a program resembling residency for doctors, and HopeLab, a company started by the wife of eBay's founder that produces a first-person shooter video game that keep teens with cancer engaged and up on their meds.
(Photo from Flickr user kuow949)