It’s common sense, at least according to Broad City, that when you leave the house you should always remember to pack your keys, phone, and wallet. But what about your car? As the demo video for Cocoa Motors' WalkCar (above) recently unveiled, a laptop-sized automobile might soon be a reality. Created by Japanese engineer Kuniako Saito, the microcar contains four wheels and is 6.6 lbs. of bad ass driving machine.
Saito intends to launch a Kickstarter for the product this fall, with donations of $800 landing just about anyone on the waitlist to order their very own WalkCar. Drawing comparisons to a MacBook, the sleek device has a 6.2 mph max speed, 7-mile battery life, and will definitely break down less than your laptop after two years.
For more on Cocoa Motors' WalkCar check back on their website.