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Sounds GOOD: Download 'Proton Drive Theme Song' by Daedelus

Download a brand-new track to support Dublab.

Sounds GOOD brings you new music by artists we love. Pay what you want to download the track, and GOOD will donate the net proceeds to a worthy organization. (Payments are not tax-deductible. Net proceeds are the total revenue from sales minus transaction costs.)

Since 1999, Dublab has delivered innovative music and culture to a global audience. The L.A.-based nonprofit operates a 24-hour-a-day free-form online radio station, produces cutting-edge art exhibitions, and organizes creative events with companies and cultural institutions around the world.
Dublab's twice-yearly Proton Drive is happening now through May 25. You can support the fundraiser, which provides half of the organization's annual operating budget, by making a donation in exchange for a variety of rewards, including exclusive music mixes and limited t-shirts.
You can also help by downloading "Proton Drive Theme Song," a brand-new track by Daedelus, a world-renowned producer and one of Dublab's founding DJs. The crew at Dublab calls it an "optimistic power jam," and we think that's the perfect description. Stream it above, then pay any amount to download it. Net proceeds will be donated to Dublab.
Photo via (cc) Flickr user Incase