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Staging Hamlet on Alcatraz Island

Our friend Sarah Rich writes to tell us about a unique production of Hamlet to take place on the former prison island of Alcatraz this fall:

A dear friend of mine is the first ever artist-in-residence on Alcatraz Island—an initiative the park service has put into place to enliven the old island and draw interest in its history by supporting contemporary and politically relevant arts endeavors. My friend's independent theater company will stage several performances on the island over the next year, the main one being Hamlet, which will be performed using many of the otherwise inaccessible spaces in and around the old prison. It's going to be an awesome show (I saw them do a short Greek tragedy there during the first few months of the residency and it was haunting and wonderful to be on Alcatraz after the sun has set and the tourists all ferried away).

If you're in the Bay Area and you're interested in supporting the project or just want to learn more (and it sounds incredible, right?) drop by the Kickstarter page for the Alcatraz Hamlet perormances.