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Trump’s State Of The Union Ticket Has A Major Typo

Another chapter in the GOP’s long history of spelling and grammar gaffes.

At times, the Republican Party seems to be just cursed with spelling and grammar gaffes.

In recent times, it seems to go back to 1992, when Vice President Dan Quayle misspelled “potato.”

The years of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin and their frequent stumbles over words didn’t help matters, and now we have a chief executive whose spelling is as bad as his taste in home decor.

Like tweets that feature “payed.”

And “shoker.”

Donald Trump has even committed perhaps the most perplexing typo in the history of Western civilization.

So it comes as no surprise that this year’s ticket for the State of the Union has a fairly major typo: “Uniom.”

After word got out about it, the office of the sergeant-at-arms reprinted its tickets with “Union” spelled correctly.

But Twitter has a well-earned reputation for freaking out over typos — and people were all over this one.

Let’s tune in and see what the “State of the Uniom” has in store at 9 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, Jan. 30.