Mad Max: Fury Road may have been one of the biggest blockbusters to hit theaters this summer, but there are places where that type of reckless driving (okay, maybe not *exactly*that type of reckless driving) isn’t just a cinematic treat, but a not-all-that-uncommon reality, instead. Take Russia, where dashcam footage of traffic accidents, roadside freak-outs, and generally bad automotive behavior has become something of a spectator sport on the internet. That doesn’t, however, mean there aren’t those out there fighting to make Russia a safer place to drive.
Meet: “Stop a Douchebag”
Describing themselves as “a Russian youth movement that attempts to enforce traffic regulations in Russia,” Stop a Douchebag (“СтопХам” or alternatively, “StopHam”) was created in 2012, by members of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s highly controversial, government-associated NASHI youth group. Since its founding, though, Stop a Douchebag has made a name for itself by standing up to–and in the way of–traffic offenders, all while filming the interactions, and uploading footage to the group’s youtube channel. Armed only with large stickers designed to call attention to a driver’s misdeeds (“I don't care for anyone, I park where I want”) the young members of Stop a Douchebag have made it their mission to make the streets of Moscow just a little safer for everyone.
Stop a Douchebag videos show everything from members blocking sidewalks used by drivers as traffic shortcuts:
To being forced onto the hoods of moving vehicles:
To even staring down an irate driver waving a gun:
On their Facebook page the group writes: “We do not fight for the law. We fight for people to think about the rights and convenience of others regardless of whether there is a police officer near them or not.”
[via disinformation]