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The GOODEST: Our Favorite Things to Learn and Do This Past Week

The Future Office: Top 10 Awesome Workspaces

What’s in an office? As more and more business becomes digitized, the physical identity of a company is now more important than ever. After all, a company or startup’s visual identity and ethos is not transmissible solely by phone or email. It’s the architecture that tells the story.

Crowdsourcing This Year's Hope Poster

When Aaron Perry-Zucker started Design for Obama in 2008, he wanted to provide resources to creative people to help spread their work and the message of inclusion at the core of the campaign. He wasn't prepared for the wave of people and work from all over the world, surpassing his wildest hopes for quantity and quality.

Pauly Shore Ventures Into Politics, Apologizes for 'Biodome'

Jed Oelbaum spoke with Mr. Shore, and asked him about his foray into political humor, as well as his thoughts on being an obstacle to human progress.

Understand and Discuss the Props in Your State

Visit the Vote GOOD to help you learn more about the propositions in your state this November. Find info on the props, see how your vote stacks up to the community, create your own voter guide, and leave your opinion.

A Beautiful, Epic Time-Lapse Video

Everyone loves a good time-lapse video, right? Especially one that captures gorgeous natural phenomena. Six months of arduous work for the artist = five minutes of pure viewing pleasure for us.

Tell the Presidential Candidates to Take a Public Stand On Money In Politics

A whoppin' 87 percent of Americans say ending political corruption should be the next president's 2nd highest priority (behind jobs!). Join us in calling on both Obama & Romney to publicly tell us where they stand.

Illustration by Jessica De Jesus