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The GOODEST: Our Favorite Things to Learn and Do this Past Week

An Open Letter to President Obama from Bill Ayers   The landscape of “educational reform” is currently littered with rubble and ruin and...

The landscape of “educational reform” is currently littered with rubble and ruin and wreckage on all sides. Sadly, your administration has contributed significantly to the mounting catastrophe.


Label GMOs Yourself

The defeat of California Prop. 37 doesn't have to be the end of labeling foods with GMOs. The Label It Yourself campaign empowers people to make educated decisions about what is in their food, without waiting for government or corporations to do it for them.

Airbnb Is Working With New York Residents to Offer Sandy Victims Free Housing

There are thousands more people in need of shelter. And there are still thousands of people with extra space. It's time to come together.


Tammy Baldwin became the first female senator from Wisconsin and the first openly gay senator in the history of United States. Thank you, Wisconsin.


Barbie has been many things: astronaut, CEO, tropical, nurse, ballerina, lover of Ken, and driver of Corvettes. But as far as we know, Barbie has never been hardcore...until now. In a new imagining of every girl's favorite doll, eclectic English fashion designer Louise Gray has turned Barbie punk.


Commit to doing more after the vote to help America be its best. Choose one action you will do this year to be a better citizen.



Illustration by Jessica De Jesus

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