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The GOODEST: Our Favorite Things to Learn and Do This Past Week

A Climate Change Call to Action

The rapidly destabilizing climate and increasingly volatile weather do not afford us time to wait for what will likely be—at best—sluggish political movement.

Psychoanalyze Yourself and Your Coworkers: Take the Myers-Briggs Test

I'm an ENFP. How about you?

Can the OWS 'Rolling Jubilee' Liberate Americans From Debt?

The plan: Raise money, buy distressed debt, forgive it. Then hope that those who've been bailed out pay it forward by reinvesting in the Jubilee.

Copenhagen's Kiddie City is Urban Shangri-La for Little People

When it is complete in 2014, Prinsessegade will be the largest daycare center in Denmark. It will feature different neighborhoods for different age groups, houses, public spaces, squares, parks, even a city hall, fire station, stadium, and factory.

Endangered Species: In Defense of Cursive Writing

The "we don't need cursive" argument pops up every few months in education circles. And some consider it a death knell that cursive isn't included in the soon-to-be-rolled-out-across-46-states Common Core standards. Those in favor of eliminating it say that cursive is like hieroglypics: an outdated form of communication.

How Will Legalization Challenge Existing Canna-Businesses?

Though it may come as a surprise to many, the passage of Amendment 64, the Colorado ballot measure to “legalize” possession of small amounts of marijuana, was met with mixed emotions from medical marijuana entrepreneurs.

Eat Real Food on Fridays

Do you ever think about how far the food you eat travels to you? Who grew it? Who picked it? How much it processing it’s been through before you take a bite? They say you are what you eat, so why not be real?

Illustration by Jessica De Jesus

Image via (cc) flickr user kevin dooley