Google's Street View feature has captured private moments before, but "Street with a View" is the first example of public art we've seen that was designed specifically to be documented by Google's roving cameras, and viewed online through Street View.For "Street with a View," artists Robin Hewlett and Ben Kinsley enlisted the help of a full cast of artists and performers to set up a series of tableaux-including a parade, a sword fight, a rooftop escape, and a perplexing giant chicken-along Sampsonia Way in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They then invited Google to drive through the scene and immortalize it in its Street View feature.Take a stroll down fantstic Sampsonia Way via Street View here. There's also the movie below, documenting the making of "Street with a View."[youtube] effect of combining Street View's objective, documentary nature with these illusory, staged events is very Michel-Gondry-esque. We wonder how long it would have taken for people to stumble upon Sampsonia Way in Street View if the whole project had been kept secret.(Via PSFK)
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