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The Nation Debunks 10 National Security Myths

The Nation debunks 10 national security myths. They are as follows: 1. It's a dangerous world. We face an array of serious national...

The Nation debunks 10 national security myths. They are as follows:1. It's a dangerous world. We face an array of serious national security threats that require an experienced Commander in Chief.2. The surge has worked. To withdraw from Iraq now would snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and embolden Islamic extremists.3. We cannot allow Afghanistan to become a safe haven for terrorists. We therefore must redouble our military efforts there or face another terrorist attack.4. Iran is responsible for much of the violence against US forces in Iraq; by using its proxies in Lebanon and Gaza, it threatens to dominate the Middle East.5. To talk to the leaders of "rogue" states like Iran and Cuba without conditions legitimizes their position and weakens American leverage.6. Vladimir Putin's Russia is an authoritarian state pursuing an anti-American agenda aimed at reconstituting the Soviet Union in the form of a new Russian empire.7. Because the American military is stretched thin by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we must increase the size of our conventional armed forces.8. A League of Democracies would create a global coalition for peace and freedom and would enable the United States and its democratic allies to intervene to solve humanitarian and other crises when the UN Security Council is paralyzed.9. Globalization has strengthened the economy, and we cannot avoid it by hiding behind protectionist walls.10. The world needs American leadership.

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