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The Week That Was: GOOD Education

We again started out our days with Morning Roundups and picked up the pace from there. Some stuff that we chronicled: Brooklyn as an elite, bourgeois hotbed and Yale's new admissions video-set to music, it features singing and dancing coeds, who also happen to be extremely good-looking.On a more serious note, the proliferation of liberal professors on college campuses, how The New York Times is joining the for-profit education world, and after Tuesday's special election in Massachusetts, why Obama might shift his focus away from health care and towards education. News that kids are clocking up to eight hours of screen time sparked some debate. As did our Q & A with a CIRCLE pollster who explained that if Massachusetts young voters had turned out in great numbers, the result might have been different. And Leila1's community board post rounded out the week. Keep 'em coming. Next week, some new contributors coming your way, in addition to more voices in the classroom. Be sure to check out David Donaldson, who teaches in Baltimore, and his essay from the front lines.Lastly, in case your MLK Day was less than inspiring, head on over to the site, which Obama announced earlier this week. It helps to assist people in finding local mentoring opportunities.Photo via