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This Smart Sprinkler Saves Water by Checking the Weather

It could cut your water bill in half.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans use an astounding 9 billion gallons of water per day on landscaping irrigation. That’s a lot of water for what’s ultimately a cosmetic decision—keeping your lawn green.

One major water waster is the overwatering of lawns, which often happens when a timed sprinkler goes off even during a rainstorm. But a new, smarter sprinkler from the company ETwater could sidestep that problem. The product uses a very high-tech combination of sensors and weather data to make sure that thirsty outdoor landscaping gets the water it needs—but not much more.

The sprinkler service is meant for public parks and corporate campuses, but residential lawn owners can lease the company’s systems for about $35 per month. The company says sprinkler users can cut their water bills by 20 to 50 percent.

The system monitors temperature, soil type, and the slope of the ground to determine what your lawn needs on a given day—much as sophisticated precision agriculture technology monitors crops. Once a user enters the types of plant life and soil she’s using in the area, the sprinkler uses that data, too. Finally, the product uses its internet connectivity to check the real-time weather. No more sprinkling in the rain!

(Via Wired)