Happy Park(ing) Day, friends. As you can see, today is the day that people the world over transform metered parking spaces into temporary parks, and in a very real and visceral manner, champion the notion of a people-centric public realm over car-centric public one. In addition to the photo finery before your very eyes (more after the jump), check out this Flickr set, via Twitter user @bloch_party for photos of people celebrating the day in New York and Washington, D.C.Earlier this week, we served up an online reading list for entrepreneurs, praised the unsung heroism of editors, and applauded the launch of the Design Revolution road trip. We explored the recycled beauty of Nek Chand's garbage garden, found the silver lining behind Van Jones's untimely departure, illustrated the numbers the most carnivorous countries, and took a new look at some iconic fast foods (while hoping for a way to turn those fries into nutrients). We also enjoyed some Italian slow food and pondered the increasing heaviness of the world's biggest book.Here's the low down on the Gov 2.0 conference, and here's the final installment of our We Like to Share series.Please enjoy a few photos from Park(ing) Day participants who sent them our way.
Photo by Twitter user @sezio (San Diego, California).Photo by Gregory Geiger.
Photo by Twitter user @sezio (San Diego, California).Photo by Gregory Geiger.