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Wind Farm Resistance in Oregon

Cape Wind isn't the only case of wind farm NIMBYism. This time the town of Union, Oregon is fighting a 182-turbine farm on the slopes of a...

Cape Wind isn't the only case of wind farm NIMBYism. This time the town of Union, Oregon is fighting a 182-turbine farm on the slopes of a neighboring mountain:

A Texas company has proposed building a wind project across 47,000 acres on the slopes that overlook two sides of town. Plans for the Antelope Ridge Wind Power Project call for 182 turbines, some within 1 1/2 miles of the town center. With blades fully upright, towers would be as tall as 520 feet-24 feet shy of Oregon's tallest building, the Wells Fargo tower in Portland.

Union-fearing spoiled views, damage to wildlife habitat and other problems-rolled up its sleeves for a fight. The City Council declared its opposition to the project in December, and a hastily formed group papered the town with "Say NO" posters.

Oregonians really value the untrammeled outdoors and also really value the idea of clean energy. And these values are coming into direct conflict in the state. I can sympathize with the desire to preserve the pristine mountainside, but at the end of the day, it's a very small area of the state that's being used for turbines and I think the benefits of the project outweigh the costs.

That said, it'd be great if we could make those kite-style Magenn turbines work.


You could take these down or move them at any time. The fact that they aren't permanent would really help soothe fears of spoiled land. And you might not have to put them on the mountainside in the first place because they could get to high altitudes on their tethers.

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