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Winner Announced: Doodles from a Day Without Technology

We're happy to announce the winner of our second Doodle Project. Once again, we received some absolutely fantastic submissions and choosing a single winner was a challenge.

Our winner for this month, Timothy J. Reynolds, used a Moleskine as his canvas and used every corner to illustrate his day without technology (above). Like all excellent doodles, Timothy's piece is visually engaging yet loose and spontaneous, and provides the viewer with lots to look at. There are scattered phrases and thoughts, sketches of his surroundings, and lots of loose power plugs.

Timothy will receive a GOOD T-shirt and a gift subscription to our magazine.

Part of our goal with this ongoing project is to highlight the work of many different doodlers. The top 10 runners-up are below. Please scroll through the slide show and enjoy!

A quick note about the final Doodle by Jackson Moores. Jackson is 6 years old and he is the son of Chris Moores, winner of last month's Doodle project. We were so happy he participated that we had to include his submission and find out a bit more. We asked Jackson for some background:

On why he wanted to participate: "I wanted to win a prize because I love daddy's GOOD T-shirt."

On his creative process: "First I started with something I did not like but I kept doodling and I saw a boat. Then I realized I was drawing a boat doodle."

Jackson will be getting a GOOD shirt, of course.

Thanks to everyone who participated. We'll be launching our third Doodles project, with a new theme, in about one week. For suggestions on themes/topics for upcoming Doodles please tweet @LenKendall.

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