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Winner: Photograph Something From a Specialty Food Market

And the winner of our #30DaysofGOOD project is...

For this month's #30DaysofGOOD Challenge we asked you to purchase at least one ingredient from a region-specific food market that you don't typically use, and snap a photo to share with the GOOD community.

We are thrilled to announce Carly Hagins as our winner. In Carly's words:

For this GOOD project, I went to my local Russian supermarket. They always have interesting juices, and amongst the red pepper juice and mandarine nectar I spotted this humongous bottle of blueberry syrup. It doesn't look so exotic from the label, but its a product of Slovenia—something you don't spot too often at the bigger grocery stores. The bottle's big, so I'll have to think of a lot of uses for it, but the very first thing I used it for was as an ingredient in berry flavored ice cubes. (As inspired by Spoon Fork Bacon). Seems like the perfect accompaniment for these hot summer days!

And very 4th of July appropriate. We will certainly be trying out this recipe. Carly will win a GOOD t-shirt.