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Travel expert explains why it is important for parents to travel with children when they are young

Travel expert Samantha Brown made a case that core memories made during such trips can lifelong positives.

Travel expert explains why it is important for parents to travel with children when they are young
Cover Image Source: TikTok

Traveling as a family is a core memory for a lot of people. Be it vacationing on a beach surrounded by sandcastles and chasing the waves, a trip to Disney World, or a day taking in the sights of new places. It turns out that traveling as kids can be beneficial in the long term. As per travel expert Samantha Brown, a family holiday is essential for young kids. She shares that memories from traveling as a kid will have a bigger impact than other memories. Brown claims it could have a bigger impact than traditional milestones such as graduation and birthdays. This makes the hours of planning, the long lines, the occasionally fussy kid and every other challenge that might come the way of parents, worth it. Samantha Brown recently appeared on a recent episode of an Apple podcast called Tennis Anyone With Michael Kosta where she shared the importance of traveling with kids. 

Image Source: TikTok | @michaelkosta_Image Source: TikTok | @michaelkosta_

The mom of 11-year-old twins shares that the reason why family vacations are such a significant part of your kid's life is because it allows your kid to watch you be a kid. This experience does a lot for your child's sense of love and security, and its effect is immeasurable in this aspect, as per Brown. She goes as far as to say such trips form the building block of a family. This just goes to show that saving for the annual family holiday is not an indulgence but a necessity to help connect with children on a deeper level. It also allows children to witness parents out of their shells and not just as an adult or parent who follows rules to the T. 

Image Source: TikTok | @michaelkosta_Image Source: TikTok |@michaelkosta_

As Samantha Brown talks about how travel allows you to be a kid, she tells the host Michael Kosta that something makes her feel that the host gets to be a kid a lot more than most adults because he is so funny and sees things with more lightness and humor. The host agrees with her point. She shares that it is really important that the kids do not always see their mom and dad in parent mode. She expresses that kids start to love and trust their parents when they get to see that their parents are just like them in so many ways. People took to the comments of the TikTok clip to weigh in on what the travel expert said and share their own experiences with traveling as kids. 

Image Source: TikTok | @VImage Source: TikTok | @V

Image Source: TikTok | @c.LichtImage Source: TikTok | @c.Licht

A TikTok user @DisneyLizzieO15 commented, "Why I love Disney so much is because some of my favorite memories as a kid with my family are Disney memories and now the same is true with the family I've created." Another user @Atrophis argued that it doesn't apply to everyone, "My kid can't remember trips from when they were like 10 so this is a more kid-by-kid thing. So see how they respond and go from there." Another user @DalyMonets added, "They also see you being resourceful and stepping out of your comfort zone, which is priceless!" Other people also shared how it was time to plan the Disney vacation right now and how travel was a part of their core memories as kids, implying that traveling with your kids is worth a shot.   


Why it’s important to be a kid in front of your kids. #SamanthaBrown #Parenting #TravelingWithKids #TennisAnyonePod @Samantha Brown

Michael Kosta (@michaelkosta_) has a podcast and is also a standup comic.