For one day a year, the normally serene waters of Echo Park Lake in Los Angeles host a fierce, world-class competition: the 826LA Paddleboat Regatta. And this year, GOOD has thrown our hat into the ring. The competition is serious (see photo) but we're determined to win-or, barring that, keep from capsizing.
It all happens at Echo Park this Sunday, July 26, at 4 p.m. It's going to be a blast (have you ever not had fun at a paddleboat race?) and the whole event benefits the fantastic 826LA writing center.And now a shameless appeal: The GOOD paddling team is trying to raise funds to race-we get a better starting position based on dollars raised, so please click here to contribute to our team if you can (though we'd love to see you there either way).Second Annual 826LA Paddleboat RegattaSunday, July 264 p.m.Echo Park Lake, Los Angeles CA 90026*Free parking on Sundays in the public lot behind The Echo Park Time Travel Mart (Just below Sunset Blvd. between Logan and Lemoyne Streets).
It all happens at Echo Park this Sunday, July 26, at 4 p.m. It's going to be a blast (have you ever not had fun at a paddleboat race?) and the whole event benefits the fantastic 826LA writing center.And now a shameless appeal: The GOOD paddling team is trying to raise funds to race-we get a better starting position based on dollars raised, so please click here to contribute to our team if you can (though we'd love to see you there either way).Second Annual 826LA Paddleboat RegattaSunday, July 264 p.m.Echo Park Lake, Los Angeles CA 90026*Free parking on Sundays in the public lot behind The Echo Park Time Travel Mart (Just below Sunset Blvd. between Logan and Lemoyne Streets).