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An Update from the Pioneers of Health: We've Arrived in South Africa

The Pioneers of Health Fellowship is off to a great start so far, with five remarkable representatives from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mozambique and Kenya.

We had a really interesting session with the guys from the open medicine project Tompsa, followed by a presentation from Damien Shumann, our photographer for the week, who was the creative mind behind this installation of a shack typically found in poverty-stricken areas of South Africa.

This afternoon was more hands-on, and we traveled to two incredible health clinics- one is the largest XDR-TB ward in South Africa, and the other is a mobile clinic adjacent to the Dunoon Township. Both were sobering experiences, but everyone was really engaged throughout.

This evening was definitely the highlight. We traveled to Bo-Kaap, a traditionally Cape-Malay neighborhood, where we had dinner at a South African woman's home, and learned a great deal about Cape Town's multicultural history.

At Robben Island, we'll all be attending the Nelson Mandela memorial celebration at the Cape Town Stadium. It's a crazy time to be here.

Stay tuned for more details on a night to celebrate our winners in Cape Town.