Arnold Schwarzenegger took to the streets of Hollywood in full Terminator costume to prank some fans in support of After School All Stars, a charity that provides after school programs for children across the country. In this hilarious video, he surprises some unsuspecting fans by posing as a wax sculpture of himself. The video is part of a project called “Blow Stuff Up With Arnold” where one lucky contest winner will get the opportunity to join him at the premier of his new film Terminator Genesis and all the proceeds will help fund after school programs to “keep kids safe and help them succeed.”
The Terminator is Back, Pranking Fans for Charity
Hasta la vista, wax sculpture. That’s Arnold, in the flesh.
By Sean McdonaldJun 22, 2015
Sean Mcdonald
Sean McDonald is an audience development intern at GOOD. He is undeclared and loving it at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota.