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Basic Sanitation Is Important. That Should Be Obvious.

The Search for the Obvious has a new challenge: Help remind the world that toilets and running water are really important.

Your life would be different (and not in a good way) without toilets, sewers, or soap and running water. But even though 2.6 billion people are living without basic sanitation, it's easy for the rest of us to forget how important it is.

The Search for the Obvious, a project of Acumen Fund, is a website that collects and distributes obvious solutions to pervasive problems. Their latest challenge, announced last Thursday, asks you to "Use your creative genius to show the world that the lack of basic sanitation is one of the most critical issues facing the developing world today."

You can meet the challenge with a poster, essay, video, or Tweet. Entries are due by November 21 and will be judged by a panel of media and design luminaries. And at the end of the process, hopefully we'll be able to remind the world that we all deserve toilets.