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Because Reading Is Magic: Take a Child to a Bookstore on Dec. 1st

Taking a kid to a bookstore opens them up to the magic of reading—and the cool bookmarks you can buy, too.

In 2010 I brought my two young children to story hour at our local bookstore almost every week. After all, what better activity to do with kids? It was enriching, fun, even relaxing. I didn't have to feel guilty when I drank that 700 calorie butterscotch latte from the coffee bar. I ran back and forth between adult fiction and the flower-flocked children’s section—working off the calories for sure.

My kids probably didn't realize it was as much of a treat for me as for them. Which started me thinking—were other parents in on this secret? How many children knew the pleasure of spending time in a bookstore?

I frequent the mystery listserv, DorothyL—a more avid group of readers you couldn't hope to find. When I floated the idea for Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day, bloggers on the listserv spread the word. My husband designed a poster, a website, and bookmarks, and we marked the first Saturday in December on our calendars. This would coincide with holiday gift giving, hopefully giving people the idea that books make great presents. Just two weeks later, 80 bookstores were celebrating.

That summer my husband and I loaded the kids into the car and drove cross-country, visiting more than fifty bookstores. (You can tell he's a supportive guy). In 2011, the second annual Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day found over 350 bookstores celebrating in all 50 states. Some planned special celebrations—children’s book authors, puppet makers, singers, even a baker who led kids in a gingerbread cookie decorating activity—while others simply hung a poster in the window. The goal was to raise awareness that kids + bookstores = magic.

And maybe something more than that.

There's a cultural wave behind Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day. The word locavore isn’t just for a Dr. Seuss story anymore. Supporting your local community and the resurgence of Main Street are goals that more and more people recognize as critical to building strong citizens as well as strong readers.

You know that old ad campaign, "Orange juice isn’t just for breakfast anymore?" I hear that now as, "Bookstores aren’t just for reading anymore."

They're more than that because you can also buy toys, cards, gifts, or have your butterscotch latte there. Bookstores are places where people can come together over ideas and engage in a cultural conversation. That concept is so important I have to say it again. They are places where people come together. Booksellers are a group who know how to zig while others are zagging, so impassioned are they by their life's pursuit, and their stores are places of physical interaction in an increasingly virtual world.

When you take a child to a bookstore, you stimulate his mind and all five senses. (If taste seems a stretch, just let her have the whipped cream on your latte). There's a tactile dimension to the experience that seems rare these days. You also make that child a crucial part of the place where he lives, supporting it and helping it grow.

Best of all, these things happen in a guise that to the child is sheer magic. On the shelves of a bookstore sit gateways into whole new worlds. Children go into bookstores—but they come back out having journeyed somewhere else entirely.

This Saturday, December 1, 2012 is the third annual Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day. Whether you take your own child—or that of someone else in your life—together let's build literacy, support community, and make magic happen.

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Photo (cc) via Flickr user qwrrty

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