If you haven't yet seen this clip of President Obama speaking harshly yesterday at the leaders of Wall Street and calling their recent actions "shameful," take a look:[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaA-w5FdZoIThis is awesome. Look at him, sitting there, leaning forward on his chair, speaking directly and strongly at all of us. He's not going to take this selfish crap anymore. We're behind right now, and if we don't start playing as a team, we're going to lose this game. So let's take a look around, and start trusting each other, and believing in each other again. Let's move the ball. Get some good off-ball cutting. Let's get back to basics. Good, solid fundamentals. We can do this. We're the United States. Now let's get back out there and get after it. Let's win this next quarter.Go team.(Thanks coach)