Apple has joined the list of prominent companies (see: Nike) that disagree with the United States Chamber of Commerce's views on global warming (more background here).An Apple spokesperson said they "strongly object to the Chamber's recent comments opposing the EPA's effort to limit greenhouse gases," which mirrors Nike's previous sentiment-"We fundamentally disagree with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on the issue of climate change, and their recent action challenging the EPA is inconsistent with our view that climate change is an issue in need of urgent action."Several major energy companies have also surrendered their Chamber of Commerce chairs over climate woes, though as this Forbes article points out, they may be motivated more by a business opportunity than an environmental one: "The utilities and other companies that are supporting climate change legislation tend to be those based in more liberal parts of the country and believe that being viewed as environmentally responsible is a good marketing strategy."All of which begs the question: is all of this just greenwashing, or is real change afoot?
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