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Credit Card Fees: No Longer Just for the Fiscally Irresponsible

Are you a model credit card user? Do you pay your full bill at the end of every month? Well, while you are doing an excellent job and should be...

Are you a model credit card user? Do you pay your full bill at the end of every month? Well, while you are doing an excellent job and should be commended, especially in these times, you are about to get hosed.The government will soon be cracking down on the predatory lending practices of credit card companies, things like incredibly high interest rates or punitive fees after missing one payment. Since most people aren't so good with their credit cards, these sorts of fees make up a large portion of the revenue of credit card companies. If the government dries it up (and it should) that loss is going to be passed on to the people who pay on time, in the form of more annual fees, and the removal of deals for things like cash back or airline miles. The credit card companies argue, accurately, that for people who pay their cards off every month and don't generate interest, credit cards are simply free money, which often comes with bonuses, and that's really no way to run a business.I can imagine that not having millions of people mired in thousands of dollars of exponentially rising credit card debt will be quite beneficial to this country's economy. For the rest of us, we'll wistfully remember the days when credit flowed like water, as we pay for everything with cash and get no airline miles.