[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKDY7SzZtWAAnyone who remembers childhood as a time of innocence and joy was never on the wrong side of a dodgeball. If you ever packed a few extra pounds in grade school, chances are the specters of those stinging rubber balls haunt you to this day. But for the past three summers, young Brooklynites have been turning up at McCarren Park Pool to re-brand dodgeball as a sport where ex-bullies and fat kids can come together over a beer or six and have some good clean fun. We take you into the fray in our new video series: The Wild Frontier of Sports.
Anyone who remembers childhood as a time of innocence and joy was never on the wrong side of a dodgeball. If you ever packed a few extra pounds in grade school, chances are the specters of those stinging rubber balls haunt you to this day. But for the past three summers, young Brooklynites have been..
By Labour,
Audio Dregs Recordings
Zach Dundas
Jody L
Jeffrey Peixoto
Mackenzie Fegan
Morgan Currie
My research broadly probes the way cultural, political, and economic factors interact with the design and development of information infrastructures. My recent research examines the production and circulation of government data, and how these datasets interact with social, political, and economic systems. I start with these data infrastructures’ historical beginnings and follow them through their standardization in policy, their circulation in technical systems, and their reuse by the public. The topic of emerging data infrastructures grows increasingly important as these systems condition the possibility for new economies, forms of governance, civic behavior, and political struggle.\r\n\r\nI received my Ph.D. from the Department of Information Studies at UCLA in 2016, and my MLIS from the same department in 2014. I have a Masters in New Media from the University of Amsterdam (2011). I am currently a lecturer in the School of Media, Culture, and Design at Woodbury University.\r\n\r\n
Lindsay Utz
Dave Nardone
Dean Fleischer-Camp