Morning Roundup:From The New York Times: Education Grant Effort Faces Late Opposition
The Obama administration's main school improvement initiative has spurred education policy changes in states across the nation, but it is meeting with some last-minute resistance as the first deadline for applications arrives Tuesday.From The Chronicle of Higher Education: Paychecks Stagnate for Presidents of Many Public Universities
The bad economy is putting the brakes on pay increases for public-university leaders.From The Los Angeles Times: Obama Wants To Extend Education Grant Program
He will ask Congress for $1.35 billion in his 2011 budget to broaden a competitive funding plan to allow states who do not get awards this year to compete.From NY1: The Last Lesson: A Look Inside Paul Robeson High School
Paul Robeson High School is one of 20 schools the city wants to close. With a vote scheduled next week and no plans to replace it, NY1 Education reporter Lindsey Christ goes inside for a special week-long look at the Brooklyn school, which has more than 1,000 students and 1,001 issues to deal with.Photo via