Morning Roundup:
From NPR: District To Pay Lesbian Teen $35K Over Prom Dispute
A school district in rural Mississippi that canceled its prom rather than allow a lesbian student to attend with her girlfriend has agreed to pay $35,000 to settle a discrimination lawsuit the ACLU filed on her behalf.
From the Boston Globe: Harvard puts tighter limits on medical faculty
Harvard Medical School will prohibit its 11,000 faculty from giving promotional talks for drug and medical device makers and accepting personal gifts, travel, or meals, under a new policy intended partly to guard against companies’ use of Harvard’s prestige to market their products.
From The New York Times: States Embrace National Standards for Schools
States that adopt the standards by Aug. 2 win points in the Obama administration’s Race to the Top competition for a share of the $3.4 billion to be awarded in September.
From the Associated Press: 'Common Core' standards clearer, more rigorous
An analysis by an education policy think tank finds that the common academic standards many states will be adopting are clearer and more rigorous than those currently used in most states.
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