Morning Roundup:
From NPR: Study: Teacher Bonuses Don't Improve Test Scores
Offering big bonuses to teachers failed to raise students' test scores in a three-year study released Tuesday that calls into question the Obama administration's push for merit pay to improve education.
From the Boston Globe: Summers leaving White House to return to Harvard
Former Harvard University president Lawrence H. Summers, the chief architect of President Obama’s federal stimulus plan and some of his other top economic initiatives, is leaving his post and returning to the university to teach by the end of the year, the White House said yesterday.
From the Los Angeles Times: Groups will try to replicate Harlem Children's Zone in Los Angeles
Two Los Angeles nonprofit groups have received $500,000 federal grants to create programs modeled on a high-profile Harlem effort to help low-income and minority students from cradle through college, federal officials announced Tuesday.
From The New York Times: The Face of Private-School Growth, Familiar-Looking but Profit-Making
With the population of wealthy families with children in New York City likely to grow, companies hope to cash in.
Photo (CC) by Flickr user woodleywonderworks.