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Education: Morning Roundup, Federal Crackdown

Morning Roundup:

From The New York Times: U.S. Education Dept. Delays Rules on For-Profit Colleges

The Education Department split off a decision on the treatment of for-profit college programs whose graduates do not earn enough to repay their loans.

From PBS' NewsHour: Do Higher Costs Lead to Better College Educations?

Does the mounting cost of college mean students are getting a better education? Ray Suarez moderates a debate sponsored by the University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs about whether the costly higher education system is broken.

From the Associated Press: Hawaii passes law mandating 180-day school year

A new Hawaii law enacted Tuesday requires at least 180 school days a year as the state tries to shed its reputation for having the shortest amount of instructional time in the nation.

From USA Today: Christian colleges flourish in distance learning environment

The question facing universities looking to compete in the booming market for online higher education is not so much how to do it, but how to distinguish themselves from the rest. In this, Christian universities appear to have a built-in advantage. And many are seizing the opportunity to expand their footprint.

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